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Afro Puff and Pink Lipstick FOTD

Afro Puff and Pink Lipstick FOTD 

Today I have got a FOTD for you! I wore this look a look when it was really sunny for a few weeks in London.. So I am not even going to lie, a lot of my post are actually not posted on the correct day for example this FOTD is from weeks ago. Despite my terrible blogging lately I always take pictures and create material for my blog, it is just slightly backdated at times. Does anyone else do this? Do you mind this?

Natural Afro Hair 4b Afro Puff Mixed Race Biracial

I still wear this makeup look daily and it is pretty simple:

  • Face Powder from NYC
  • Eyeliner from 2True
  • Blusher from Sleek Face Form
  • Lipstick from DHC

Natural Afro Hair 4b Afro Puff Mixed Race Biracial

In terms of my hair, I haven't really shown any more pictures on my blog of how I have been wearing my natural hair since the big chop, and in that picture I made the Afro Puff pretty small so it didn't really show how much hair I actually have,  & thanks for all the love on that post guys :)

What do you think of this everyday look?
How did you wear your hair after your big chop?


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