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Girl-Wonder.org Accepting Webcomics Submissions

Girl-Wonder.org is now seeking webcomic submissions. That makes yet another site/organization who are turning to webcomics. Five or ten years ago, this might have been a printed collection or series of comics.

From the press release:
Feminist fan organisation Girl-Wonder.org, as part of its mission to support and encourage women in the comics industry, permanently opens submissions to webcomic artists.

We're looking for webcomics created by women or teams that include women, and we offer space, tech and publicity support, and a sub-forum devoted to your work on our thriving forums.

There are absolutely no restrictions on the genre, setting or sexual content of your work - we've hosted/are hosting Regency-style spy romance, slice-of-life autobiography, Wild West adventures and fairy-tale fantasy wordless comics. Your comic can be an on-going tale, or a complete story, and work previously published in other venues (in part or in whole) is welcome, providing you possess the rights to re-distribute it.

Your work need not explicitly promote feminist ideology. However, we envisage that it won't be explicitly anti-feminist or otherwise contrary to Girl-Wonder.org's aims.

If this sounds like something you (or your team) might be interested in, please email karen.healey@gmail.com for submissions guidelines!

ABOUT GIRL WONDER – Girl Wonder is a collection of websites dedicated to female characters and creators in mainstream comics. Our goals are to foster an attentive, empowered audience community and to encourage respect and high-quality character depiction within the comics industry.

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