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Repainted Battlescale Terrain

  With my recent use of Battlescale terrain, I was disappointed with the paint job on them. The paint stayed glossy, even after it dried. The paint also didn't cover well, soI decided to put a second coat on. I also decided to darken the green.  So with what little time for gaming I had this weekend, it was devoted to painting the terrain. As I  have been using One Hour Wargames scenarios, I  decided to paint some river pieces to use with them.

The newly repainted terrain with a river running through it. I put gloss lacquer on the water, although  you can't tell.

The hills have also been repainted. The hills surely stand out better than I was hoping.

Testing different scale figures on them . Here are some 15mm Minifigs  units . 

Two five stand infantry units, and a three stand Hussar unit.

20mm plastics.

30mm semi flats. 

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